CNSA & ICCN 2025 Congress  |18-21 Jun 2025 | Adelaide Convention Centre | Global Voices, Local Actions: from inspiration to implementation



This second call for abstracts is strictly limited to new submissions. 

All submissions will be checked against previous submissions and be removed if considered to be a duplicate and not independently peer reviewed.

If you have any questions about this process please email


The CNSA & ICCN 2025 Congress is an opportunity for cancer nurses to showcase their research. Nurses working in all areas of cancer control and care are encouraged to submit abstracts that relate to cancer nursing and the 2025 theme, "Global Voices, Local Actions: from Inspiration to Implementation."

Abstracts describing the background/rationale and design of future projects will not be accepted.

STEP 1: Please read and follow the guidelines below when writing your abstract.

STEP 2: click here to submit your abstracts

(You will need to set up your user profile to begin submitting abstracts)

1.Abstract submission closing date and notification timeframe:

The deadline for abstract submissions closes at 11:00pm (AEDT) on Wednesday 26th February 2025. Authors will be notified if they have been successful within 3-4 weeks of the closing date and advised if they have been offered a podium (oral), Rapid Oral or Poster Presentation.

2. Abstracts are invited to be submitted that relate to the congress theme:

Global Voices, Local Actions: from Inspiration to Implementation.

Abstracts are invited across the following categories:

  • Cancer biology, genetics and screening
  • Treatments and symptom management
  • Patient centered care
  • Leadership and research
  • Education
  • Innovation and Technology
  • Digital Health and Data

Abstracts that relate to the congress theme are preferred.

At the point of submission, the author will need to nominate if the submission is;

(a) a Research Project, (b) Practice Innovation/Implementation or (c) Case Study

Please refer to the definitions below if you are unclear which category your abstract belongs.

(a) Research Project: An activity that tests a hypothesis, allows conclusions to be drawn and develops or contributes to generalisable knowledge.

(b) Practice Innovation/Implementation: Interventions or programs designed to enhance the well-being or outcomes of patients, to improve service delivery, or enhance and promote nursing education.

(c) Case Study: An in-depth analysis of a particular patient or group of patients from which insights relating to nursing care were gained.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • The abstract must be 300 words or less exclusive of the title, author(s) names and institutional affiliation(s). Abbreviations may be used only if defined at the first use in the abstract. Abstracts over the word limit will not be accepted by the online submission system. References and images are not accepted in abstracts.
  • The abstract must be written in English. 
  • Reports of completed studies will be given preference in the selection of oral presentations, especially over abstracts that do not report results but indicate that they will be reported at the meeting or describe a trial methodology. Results of research will be given preference over descriptions of services for oral presentations.
  • Once the abstract submission has closed each abstract is reviewed by a minimum of 2 - 3 expert reviewers. Abstracts are blinded so reviewers are not able to see authoring or organisational information.
  • The CNSA will not permit the promotion of products in concurrent sessions. Affiliations to companies, not-for-profit organisations, employing agencies and web-based support organisations must be declared in the author's information. Failure to do so at the time of unblinding may make the submission invalid.
  • Applicants should not assume that reviewers will be familiar with any previous work from an individual or research team.
  • It is advisable to keep all emails sent to you regarding your abstract submission for reference if required. Once your submission is complete you can return and edit it until the closing date for submission. After this date, no amendments will be permitted.
  • It is the responsibility of the submitting authors to verify that their submission has been received. You will be sent an automated email to confirm receipt of your submission. If you do not receive this confirmation, please contact the Congress Managers -

Abstracts must be structured under the following headings:

Introduction: The introduction sets the scene. The relevance of the subject needs to be explicit. It should contain one or two sentences to introduce the project/activity/study/area of research and the rationale. For research projects the hypothesis should be included in this section.

Objectives/Aims: Provide a clear statement of the purpose or aims of the project/activity/ study.

Description/Methodology: Include information on how the project/activity/study was undertaken and describe the setting, sample and instruments where relevant.

Results/Outcomes: Describe the key outcomes of the project/activity/study. Preliminary or final results must be included in the abstract. The limitations of the work should be stated and if appropriate a comparison made to the work of others.

Conclusion: Provide explicit endpoints for the project/activity/study, and emphasise new and important aspects of the work. State the implications for nursing practice and/or opportunities for further research.

For Case Studies, please use the following headings:

History/Background: Include relevant information about the diagnosis, comorbidities, presenting complaint, risk factors, social/family/cultural factors, etc

Assessment: Include information from the nursing assessment, results of investigations, etc. What are the key considerations for this patient?

Goals of Care: Describe the goals of care for this patient

Intervention(s): Include details of interventions as appropriate. This can include further investigations, management plans, clinical guidelines followed, referrals, etc

Evaluation/Outcome: Describe the outcome. Did the interventions help achieve the goal of care?

Conclusion/Implications for Practice: Lessons learned, did this lead to a practice change for you and/or your organisation? 

Examples of accepted and unacceptable abstracts

Please take the time to review an example of an accepted abstract and one that would not meet the standard required for acceptance.

An accepted abstract standard - CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

An unacceptable abstract standard - CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

Presenting Author Responsibilities

Individuals may serve as a Presenting Author of more than one abstract. Only one author will be permitted to present an accepted abstract for a podium presentation.

Presenting authors must:

  • Register for a minimum of one day of the Congress by the Early Bird Deadline for registration or the podium presentation will be withdrawn from the program.
  • Be aware that the acceptance of an abstract does not constitute an offer of paid travel, accommodation or registration costs associated with attending the Congress.
  • Verify that the work described in the abstract was approved by an appropriate ethics committee or institutional review board for research papers and, if appropriate informed consent was obtained for all subjects.
  • Verify that all co-authors (i.e. investigators) involved in the work described are noted and they are aware of the submission of the abstract, the content of the abstract, and support its data and findings.
  • Present the abstract if it is selected for presentation at Congress (this includes being present during the scheduled time of a Poster Session). NB. The author or a co-author must deliver the presentation, it cannot be delegated to an attendee who is not listed as an author.
  • Include their employing agency/institution affiliation in the author's details.
  • Declare if they or the co-authors are employed or sponsored by a commercial interest/body (e.g. a pharmaceutical company). Sponsorship includes payment of Congress registration and associated expenses. CNSA/ISNCC reserves the right to review such abstracts for appropriateness and the final decision to include in the congress proceedings is the decision of the Program Committee.