The Cancer Nurses Society of Australia (CNSA) is the peak professional body representing 7,700 cancer nurses across Australia, with 1,800 dedicated members. CNSA is the united voice of cancer nurses in Australia working to improve cancer control and care to deliver the best possible outcomes for all people affected by cancer. Reflecting the collective vision of our members, CNSA acts as a resource providing education, training, knowledge-sharing, and networking opportunities for cancer nurses nationwide.
CNSA is committed to:
- Fostering excellence in cancer care through the professional contribution of cancer nurses
- Advocating for the significant role of the cancer nurse in patient-centred care
- Supporting the long-term sustainability of the cancer nursing workforce

The International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care ( ISNCC) is an international membership organization of oncology nurses dedicated to improving the health and well-being of people at risk for or living with cancer, promoting the nurse’s role in improving cancer care, and developing leadership in cancer care delivery.
ISNCC was established in 1984 with a vision to lead the global nursing community in cancer control and a mission to maximize the influence of nursing to reduce the globsl burden of cancer.
Our strategic directions are:
- Build and strengthen the cancer workforce across the world
- Influence global health policy
- Advance and apply knowledge
- Leverage partnerships with members and global citizens